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Yessir, Lieutenant is one of my Favourites.

So far, I haven't met anyone who visits more cafes than me per week - having a lot of meetings and with gaps in between often, I usually visit cafes to get some work done rather than at home or at the office. One reason is that I like a good cup of coffee and the other is I want to change up the workspace scenery.

Just thinking roughly in my head, I feel I visit cafes at least 10 times per week, sometimes as much as over 15 times. If I had to pick one cafe which I visit the most, it is easily Lieutenant Coffee Bar & Eatery. Located in Commercial Bay, it is easily found on Level 1. When Commercial Bay first opened last year, I was initially planning on visiting Kokabo but ended up at Lieutenant because I loved everything from the name and colours of the logo, and of course, to the menu.

Lieutenant Cafe in Commercial Bay, Auckland CBD

The pictured above is part of the Little Lieutenant, found just across the main cafe - it is located at the Jarden House. This space is one of my favourite places to work while sipping coffee.

Barista pouring coffee at Lieutenant Cafe in Commercial Bay

Lieutenant's unique and medium-roasted coffee blend is roasted by the amazing Espresso Workshop - it's chocolatey, velvety and amazing-ty.

One of my favourites on their menu is the Breakfast Burger: beautifully cooked, thick pork belly, Chinese five-spice gravy, fried free-range egg, Sichuan mayo, organic Japanese milk bun and pork crackle... It is a must-try! Do not forget to pour the gravy on first.

French Toast from Lieutenant in Commercial Bay, Auckland CBD

Lieutenant changes its menu seasonally, offering new mouthwatering dishes, always making you keep coming back. Like this pictured Pain Perdu pictured above - this one was taken last year but the current one still tastes absolutely amazing.

Model dipping bread into the sauce from Lieutenant Coffee Bar & Eatery

Above is another signature of Lieutenant - introducing Coddled Egg & Soldiers: free-range coddled egg, kumara puree, crispy bacon & baguette soldiers with sumac & kale salt... Sounds like a perfect breakfast, huh?

They also offer a great Rewards system so if you live or work nearby, make sure to ask their staff and sign up for it.

Winter menu form Lieutenant Coffee Bar & Eatery

To give you some menu recommendations, I would say try the following: Dawn Patrol (i.e. black rice porridge), Free Ranger (open omelette), Breakfast Burger and a triple-shot medium flat white.

Jarden House interior found in Commercial Bay, Auckland

They are open seven days a week so why not visit here next time?

If you visited for the first time and liked this place, you owe me a cup of coffee from here. ;)

Lieutenant's Instagram:


Founder & Editor | Say (Seowon) Song

Say S. from Fork & Truffle

I run Caramel, a restaurant creative agency with the biggest portfolio in New Zealand, helping restaurants grow by providing creative and technological solutions. In addition, I manage a few restaurants more hands-on.

Instagram: @forkandtruffle


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